Why Businesses Don’t Give a Rat’s Arse about Software Development

Why Businesses Don’t Give a Rat’s Arse about Software Development

The “Jack Shit” Approach to Software Economics

Business leaders often claim to be committed to innovation and progress. But when it comes to understanding the economics, practicalities, and psychology of software development, many seem to have no fucks to give. Surprisingly, in an era where digital transformation is not optional, apathy and indifference prevails.

Why the Apathy?

On the surface, business leaders talk the talk. They use buzzwords like “Agile,” “DevOps,” and “scalability.” But dig a little deeper, and it becomes evident that there’s little understanding or even interest in the complexities of software development economics.

What’s the Cost?

This lack of attention is not without consequences. Companies face delayed projects, bloated costs, and low-quality products. All the while, they overlook the vital connection between development economics and success. Apathy towards understanding software economics is akin to saying, “I couldn’t give a rat’s arse about business success.”

Psychology Matters, Doesn’t It?

The psychological aspects of software development also suffer from this indifference. Teams become demotivated, stressed, and disengaged when management doesn’t grasp or value the complexities of their work. It’s not about methods or coding; it’s about human beings who have needs for meaning, purpose, and being valued.

Where’s the Change?

For all the talk about being agile and adaptive, the basic mindset toward software development often remains rigid and uninformed. There’s a significant gap between what businesses claim to value and what they actually prioritise.


For businesses to truly succeed in the digital age, this lackadaisical approach won’t cut it. A failure to understand and adapt to the economics, practicalities, and psychology of software development will only serve to hinder progress and profitability. Is it time for businesses to move beyond buzzwords and start giving more than a rat’s arse about the fundamentals of software development?

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