

Not in the sense of being ambitious, but in the sense of having some things in mind that I’d like to see come to pass. You might call that an agenda. Or some needs which, upon being met, might make my life more wonderful…

Whatever you choose to call it, here’s my list:

  • An implementation of FlowChain. I’ve had this model rattling round inside my brain for years now. I see little prospect of someone else taking the necessary leap of faith and implementing it – although the Reaktor folks seem to have evolved something similar, independently –  so it’s down to me.
  • An illustration of just how much like product development is software development. And an illustration of the value – and relevance – of applying decades of well-evolved product development practices to the betterment of software development and a business.
  • A systems thinking approach to a) product development and b) (more ambitious) running a business. I refer to this as “Prod•gnosis“.
  • Learning how practical all the above ideas really are, in the crucible of real life. And how much – and in what regards – they need modifying when they come into contact with the “enemy’s main strength”.

“No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy’s main strength.”

~ Helmut von Moltke

This is my agenda.

As I explained recently in my post “Introducing Rightshifting“, I have no desire to foist these things upon people. But (in the context of my new job) I HAVE been asked to bring my experience and insights to bear. And to “innovate”. The above list seems to be a start, at least.

And just in case you’re wondering about my motivation, it’s not all selfish. I’ve made no secret over the years about what drives my work: to see an end to the egregious waste of human potential happening in software organisations everywhere, today. I believe the above ideas, implemented, will contribute significantly to this aim.

If someone asked me what needs of theirs their participation might serve, I’d offer the following list of possibilities:

  • The opportunity to learn lots of new things.
  • A chance to master the art of software development (esteem).
  • Making a difference. Advancing the art, illuminating the possible, and inspiring others.
  • The prospect of much fellowship, positive stress, self-actualisation (cf Maslow) and  fun!

Am I an idealist? A dreamer? You may choose to make that judgement. Although such a choice (i.e. to judge) would make me feel sad.

“Observing without evaluating is the highest form of human intelligence.”

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

So who’d like to join me on this journey? How do you feel about my agenda? What’s your agenda? What needs can we meet, together? What might make your life more wonderful? And how might we help each other?

– Bob

Further Reading

Prod•gnosis in a Nutshell – blog post

  1. John Jolley said:

    I’d be interested in learning more.

  2. You know me, I’ll be along for the ride and hopefully help out in some capacity, learn and contribute. I haven’t forgotten about the RightShifting vid either…

    I like your Q re Ambitions. I’m still figuring them out, but they’ll be something along the lines of Agile (Enterprise) Architecture. I literally just (on way home) had an epiphany about Graph, Category Theory and Modelling that I think is well worth exploring (will blog one day) and should hopefully fit in to Agile Architecture

    PS I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being an idealist and dreamer – I’m proud to be one! 🙂

  3. I need to make a special trip across the pond to come meet you.

  4. Wish you all the best with your agenda! Thanks to your blog I learned about non-violent communication and am taking baby steps applying it in my world of product and software development for hearing impaired people. What is your development context? Knowing a little bit more about your context would make it easier to know if we could help each other.

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