Misery Loves Company

Misery Loves Company

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed I’ve been a less than happy bunny of late. I put it down to working for an unreconstructed Analytic-minded organisation.

In this regard, have you come across the “twelve questions” that define a great place to work – according to 25+ years of research by the Gallup polling organisation?

I’ve used these twelve questions with several groups in previous organisations, to get a feel for what’s working and what’s borked, and also to show an interest in people and their well-being.

So, I thought, why not ask myself the same twelve questions today? Having done so, I thought I’d share the results with you. Misery loves company. ;}

It’s not pretty, is it? How would you fare on these twelve questions in your current job, right now?

– Bob

Further reading

First Break All the Rules ~ Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman

  1. I don’t rate the q12.
    That question on knowing what is expected of me at work. I know, but I think it hideous bullshit. And what is expected is not what is said explicitly. A while ago the purpose of a council performance management team was to market the council to the audit commission. Very clear and well known. But nobody would say it out loud. It was a bunch of lies about ‘improving performance” through achieving high scores on external audits.

  2. My profile is very similar to yours. What started as (I thought) a dream contract role 12 months ago turned out to be a sham, and following a re-org five months ago ended up as a nightmare. I should better learn how to manage my expectations and know when to throw the towel in. After the initial six months I elected not to renew, but was flattered into staying on a part-time basis. The consequences of that decision has taken a major toll on my personal life. I finally got out last week and the relief is extraordinary – sadly the damage looks to be permanent though. A considerable learning experience.

    • Hi Peter,

      Thanks for joining the conversation.

      I hear folks often demand “evidence” for models, ideas, etc. When that evidence is presented, they still quibble. Especially when the ideas run contrary to their established world-view. My hypothesis, mindset trumps evidence every time.

      I’m not equipped to say whether the Gallup research was well-conducted or not. I accept some folks have issues with it. Ironically perhaps, some folks in my present employer have expressed such issues. My primary focus in using these questions (and others) is to listen to people and how they feel about things. And to show my interest in their well-being, their progress, etc.. I would posit that almost any questions are better than no questions – too often the sad default?


      – Bob

      • I agree that just because there’s no evidence does not mean there’s no validity Bob. We are evidenced to death. However, the basis of construction of the Q’s is certainly doubtful in relation to the overall issue under review. Why for example should work provide you with a ‘best friend’ and so on … 🙂

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