

Good Software People Have to Lie Through Their Teeth to Get a Job

The Sad Reality

If you’re a talented software professional who understands and practices modern, effective approaches to collaborative knowledge work, you face an unpleasant reality – you likely have to lie through your teeth in job interviews to have any shot at getting hired. And if you have any integrity, you probably won’t (won’t lie, won’t get hired).

The root of the issue is that many hiring teams, managers, and organisations commit a profound “category error” – they mistakenly treat software development like a more familiar form of work that it fundamentally is not. So the cutting-edge practices that make sense for collaborative knowledge work sound like utter – and alien – nonsense to them.

Examples of Alien Approaches

This forces software development cognicsenti into an impossible choice: either pretend their field is just another flavour of manufacturing/construction/etc. that aligns with woefully outdated management dogma. Or stick to their guns, speak truth about their highly unique and dynamic domain, and get immediately rejected as fringe lunatics.

Let me illustrate with examples of legitimate yet “incredible” “wonko” approaches:

The “Constant State of Ship”

At high-performing software companies, code is shipped to production constantly, sometimes multiple times per day. Concepts like “releases” or “launch dates” are laughable antiquities from machine-age models of work.

Continuous Delivery

Elite software teams can automatically build, test and deploy code on every commit that passes automated checks – without manual gatekeepers. But to old-school minds, this sounds like reckless spontaneity instead of disciplined craftsmanship.

The Interview Reaction

Try pitching those kinds of modern practices in a job interview and watch eyes glaze over in bafflement. You’ll get pelted with scepticism about “stability,” “quality,” “risk,” etc. Poor performers always obsess over mitigating challenge instead of updating their working models.

Lying to Get Hired

So to pass interviews, superb software professionals have to dumb it down and play make-believe about pushing gigantic, monolithic releases every 6-12 months after “hardening” periods – Industrial Revolution edicts that no longer apply.

It’s maddening to have to deny the realities of cutting-edge knowledge work to be taken seriously. But that’s the tax we pay, trapped in an industry riddled with obsolete dogma.


This dynamic creates a catch-22: organisations hire either liars lacking ethics, or candidates lacking current expertise in effective modern software practices. Neither is a viable choice for building an effective engineering team. Do they want impostors or ignoramuses on their teams?

By filtering out leaders who grasp the unique dynamics of collaborative knowledge work, firms doom themselves to inefficiency, delays, and poor quality software. The very candidates with competencies to uplift them get screened out as “unbelievable” or “reckless” based on obsolete manufacturing/construction/service analogies.

Organisations must decide whether they want to cling to personnel working under antiquated models of development, or embrace competent people optimised for the fundamentally different nature of software’s collaborative value creation. Their ability to deliver high-quality, continuous value through technology hinges on making the right choice here. Discarding modern software ideas in favor of outmoded perspectives will only perpetuate disappointing outcomes.

The implications for these organisations’ ability to deliver valuable technology solutions are profound.


The labels “junior,” “mid-level,” and “senior” get batted around frequently. But the true hallmark of a senior has nothing to do with the years under their belt. Rather, it’s about having gained the ability to introspect, adapt, and apply hard-won lessons from seeing a multitude of challenges and scenarios.

The Path is Lit by Diverse Problem-Solving

What most sets senior developers, engineers, and business folks apart from the less senior is the wealth of different problems they’ve encountered and the innovative solutions they’ve seen, and crafted. They’ve grappled with issues spanning:

  1. Appreciation for a System: This involves understanding how various components within an organisation or community interact with each other. It emphasises looking at an organisation as a whole system rather than isolated components. It also stresses understanding how actions and changes in one area can impact other areas.
  2. Theory of Knowledge: This relates to the concepts around how learning and knowledge acquisition take place. It covers topics like operational definitions, theory of variation, psychology, and a theory of learning. The aim is to guide learning, decision making, and organisational practices.
  3. Knowledge about Variation: This involves understanding variation, both controlled (common cause) and uncontrolled (special cause) variation. It stresses using statistical thinking and tools to study process variation over time and identify the root causes of variation.
  4. Knowledge of Psychology: This refers to an understanding of human behavior, motivation, and interactions between individuals and circumstances. It emphasises cooperation, learning, fellowship, and driving out fear from the workplace to enable intrinsic motivation.

This diversity of experiences has hewn true wisdom – the ability to rapidly explore roots of problems, innovate novel approaches, predict potential pitfalls, and maintain a flexible mindset. The path to seniority is illuminated by persistent introspection, asking “What worked?” “What didn’t?” “How can we apply those learnings going forward?”

A Cross-Functional Vision Emerges

By being immersed in a vast array of problems across multiple domains, senior people begin to connect the dots in a profound way. They gain a systems-level view that transcends any single function or specialisation.

A senior software person isn’t just a coding guru, but someone who understands development, QA (and the real meaing of the term), infrastructure, security, and how technology drives business impact. A senior business person doesn’t just regurgitate methods from an MBA textbook, but can intuitively design strategies that harmonise sales, marketing, product, and operations.

This comprehensive vision allows seniors to participate fully in high-level initiatives, make strategic decisions, and provide indispensable coaching substantiated by their own intense introspection over years of learning experiences.

Crucibles of Collaboration and Wisdom Sharing

The most impactful senior roles aren’t just about solving problems, but about spreading the philosophy of how to solve problems. The most valuable senior folks spread their hard-won wisdom across different teams, departments and the whole company. They invite people into an environment where all can learn and grow together.

Through mentoring others, sharing knowledge, working side-by-side and illustrating by example, seniors pass on the deep lessons they’ve digested from their experiences. While juniors focus on mastering specific tools and skills, seniors aid people in truly understanding how to creatively solve problems together.

Instead of hoarding their years of practice, the best seniors are generous in distributing their insights organisation-wide. Their goal is contributing to building a cadre of brilliant problem-solvers who see challenges as opportunities to get smarter.

Through mentorship, knowledge shares, pairing, exemplars, and other means, seniors seed their problem-solving approaches – ways to deeply inspect issues through multiple lenses, devise innovative approaches, and continuously introspect for improvement.

The most valuable seniors aren’t fogeys hoarding years of experience, but diligently introspective learners aiding others to illuminate their own wisdom through the challenges they face. Seniority is about leaving a trail of proble solvers in your wake who redefine challenges as opportunities to grow.

An Introspective Mindset, Not an Age Metric

At the end of the day, being considered “senior” is about evolving a mindset – not just logging years of experience. It’s about diligent introspection, ceaseless curiosity when encountering new challenges, and proliferating learned lessons for collective growth.

The best senior people don’t see their years as a sign of fading abilities. Instead, it represents a brilliant path of practical wisdom gained by treating every problem as a chance to expand their skills and knowledge.

Being truly senior is the result of carefully developing the rare talent of learning how to learn effectively. Rather than resting on their experience, impactful seniors relentlessly find ways to push their understanding further when facing new challenges.

Their years doesn’t mean they’re past their best – it shows they’ve mastered constantly improving themselves by tackling problems head-on. Seniority comes from nurturing the exceptional power of turning obstacles into opportunities for growth, and knowing that their best is just out of reach, and ahead.

Getting the Best Out Of Experts

While many organisations instinctively “push” niche expertise onto various teams, whether relevant or not, and whether needed or not, a pull model where teams can tap into specialist support when truly needed is more effective. By enabling on-demand access to experts – both from inside and outside the company – organisations can empower teams to pull specialised knowledge to solve pressing problems as they arise. And avoid the all-too-common scenario where teams don’t beging to understand the experts and advice being foisted upon them.

Maximise Visibility of Specialists

Organisations might choose to maintain an intranet portal that profiles in-house and out-of-house experts across domains like user research, UX, supply chain analytics, product architecture, analysis, design, coding, quality, and emerging tech. Enable teams to easily identify and connect with relevant expertise.

Equip Access Channels

Setup dedicated collaboration tools like Slack channels, internal discussion boards, and email lists connecting experts to front line teams. Enable the just-in-time asking of questions, without gatekeepers or bottlenecks, for when specific challenges and needs emerge.

Identify External Partners

Research specialised firms or freelance consultants that can provide on-demand expertise for when in-house skills gaps exist in key areas. Develop preferred provider networks and put in place in advance the necessary contracts, terms, budgets, etc. for making this provision as frictionless as possible.

Incentivise Timely Support

Monitor internal/external experts via responsiveness and accountability metrics. Ensure incentives exist for them to provide timely and effective support.


This pull-based integration allows expertise to target real needs rather than being arbitrarily imposed from the top-down. Support happens in the flow of work not in a vacuum. The organisation facilitates access, teams pull when they really need it. This on-demand model maximises the application of niche expertise effectively, at the exact point and time of need.

Unappreciated Product Development Skills


In the world of product development, hiring for the right skills is paramount. Yet, hiring managers and HR people often fail to appreciate the necessary core skills, and thus certain crucial skills often go unsought, overshadowed by more flashy competencies or specific technical abilities. While technical expertise is a nice to have, ignoring these unappreciated skills can lead to teams and departments that lack cohesion, struggle with efficiency, and miss out on a broader understanding of the development landscape.

Top Ten Overlooked Skills and Their Consequences

#SkillHiring Consequences
1The Importance of the Way the Work Works, incl subsidiarity.Teams lack a holistic view, leading to systemic issues and an inability to see beyond their immediate tasks.
2Risk ManagementTeams are reactive, rather than proactive. This leads to crisis management scenarios and frequently derailed release schedules.
3Role of VariationProjects may frequently miss deadlines or go over budget due to a lack of preparedness for uncertainties.
4Flow OptimisationTeams face frequent bottlenecks, resulting in uneven workloads, delays, and heightened stress levels.
5Feedback LoopsProducts misaligned with user needs or market demands due to a reluctance or inability to seek or respond to feedback.
6Systems ThinkingTeams operate in silos, leading to redundant efforts, inflated costs, delays, poor quality, and a fragmented product experience.
7Value Stream MappingMisaligned priorities, arising from a focus on tasks without understanding their overall product value.
8Make Things VisibleLack of transparency resulting in miscommunications, overlooked issues, and poorly informed decisions.
9Limiting Work in Progress (WIP)Overall productivity and work quality decrease due to excessive multitasking and constant context switching.
10Attending to Folks’ NeedsNeglecting this skill results in disengaged or unmotivated teams, decreasing engagement, discrationary effort and productivity, and increasing turnover rates.


To create a well-rounded and effective software development team, hiring managers migh choose to look beyond just technical proficiencies. By recognising and valuing these often-unappreciated skills, companies can increase the likelihood of building and maintaining cohesive, efficient, and innovative teams equipped to tackle the multi-faceted challenges of modern product development.

As the product development landscape continues to evolve, sadly, appreciation of the essential skills required to navigate it does not. Is it yet time to give these unappreciated competencies the recognition they deserve in the hiring process and beyond?


If your organisation suffers from any of the maladies listed under “consequences” in the table above, get in touch today for clear, independent advice on steps you can take to tackle the skills shortfall:

Who’s got your back when it comes to remaining relevant in a fast-changing skills market? Who can you rely on to point out new skills that will become vogue in one, five, ten years’ time?

Given the time it takes to develop such skills to the point where they become useful to clients and employers, when do you start ramping up new skills in anticipation of emergent demand for them?

Especially when some new skills area suggests a sea-change from your existing skill set and comfort zone?

Or maybe you’re just accepting of increasing irrelevancy and declining rates of pay?

Highlight Problems, Avoid Solutions

It’s wayyy easier to provide solutions than to help folks find their own solutions. What are the consequences of this observation?

  • For consultants, trainers, pseudo-coaches and others whose income depends on selling “solutions”?
  • For folks seeking long-term, permanent solutions to their problems?
  • For folks who choose to hire consultants or other experts to solve their problems for them?
  • For folks habituated to delegating the finding of solutions to their problems to others?

Voltaire asks us a rhetorical question:

“Is there anyone so wise as to learn by the experience of others?”

~ Voltaire

I’ll not be offering any solutions to this conundrum. I am available help you along the path of finding your own.Do get in touch!

#IANAC (I am not a consultant).

– Bob

Further Reading

Rother, M. (2010). Toyota Kata: Managing People For Continuous Improvement And Superior Results. Mcgraw-Hill.
Marshall, R.W. (2021). Memeology: Surfacing And Reflecting On The Organisation’s Collective Assumptions And Beliefs. [online] Falling Blossoms (LeanPub). Available at: [Accessed 16 Jun 2022].

There is helpful and useful content out there. But finding it amongst all the dross is a massive challenge.

I despair of the boatloads of naive advice, misinformation, and just pure tosh that so-called “Agile” people spout on a daily basis. (Not limited to just “Agile” people, of course.)

Caveat lector!

And just in case you’d like a sanity check on anything suspect or dubious, I’m always happy to support your natural scepticism. Just get in touch for non-partisan help.

What’s An Expert To Do?

If you’re an expert, there’s little satisfaction or joy in trying to change people such that they begin to adopt the things you know they need to do. They won’t understand nor embrace new ways of doing things, nor new ideas. Not because the expert tells them to, anyways.

You may be lucky and stumble across someone or some group that, by happenstance, has become curious about doing things differently. But in most cases, your expertise is for the birds.

So, taking a job or position in organisations as an in-house expert is most often a stupid punt. Almost exclusively, in my experience.

And in the realm of software delivery, there’s pretty much zero likelihood of decision-makers understanding why doing things differently is the only gateway to better performance.


In my post “Obduracy” of several years ago, I wrote:

“The things organisations have to do to make software delivery successful are well known. And equally well known is the fact that organisations will absolutely not do these things.”

And this ain’t gonna change just because an expert or two gets involved. 

What To Do Instead

The above was observably true back in 1996, when we decided to apply our expertise for our own benefit, baled from any more consulting, and started Familiar.

And it remains true today, some 26 years later. Which is why we’re embarked on a similar venture, second time around. 

Instead of endless frustration in trying to help others move the needle in software delivery, we are, again, picking up the gauntlet and getting jiggy with moving the needle ourselves, through The Quintessential Group.

If you’re an expert in software delivery, I invite you to apply your expertise in starting your own delivery business (we’d be delighted to help). Or, you might like to join us at The Quintessential Group and taste the quintessential experience.

– Bob

Further Reading

Marshall, R.W. (2021). Quintessence: An Acme for Software Development Organisations. [online] Falling Blossoms (LeanPub). Available at:[Accessed 24 Apr. 2022].