

Our Tuesday Drop-ins have been gathering momentum, and finding favour with participants. Various folks have suggested that Tuesdays at 11AM London,UK time is not the best day and time for themselves personally.

I’m minded to diarise a second weekly drop-in, better suited to these folks’ schedules. Accordingly, I’m asking for suggestions as to the best day and time for this, and some indication of your needs.

Some factors include:

  • Work-time or personal time?
  • International participation and time zones.
  • Duration.

Please post your suggestions in the comment section below.

– Bob

Third Think Different Weekly Tuesday Drop-in

For our third Think Different Tuesday drop-in (31 Aug 2021), we covered the following topics:

  • Javelin
  • Mary Poppendiek “Don’t start unless you know how you’ll get to the end”
  • Adam Kahane’s “collaborating with the enemy” book
  • Ken Merbler “Business Camelot” book
  • Phil Crosby and PCA
  • ZeeDee
  • What do development teams look like in a “world class” business?

Next Week

Next week, amongst other things, we might be again looking at some of my more contentious blog posts.

Invitation to Provide Feedback

For those who attended today: Would you be willing to answer two questions?:

  1. How well did the Drop-in meet your needs today?
  2. What might we change for next time to better attend to your needs? Thanks for dropping-in! 🙂

– Bob

Second Think Different Weekly Tuesday Drop-in

For our second Think Different Tuesday drop-in, we covered the following topics:

Quickie: How to Work with People You Don’t Agree with or Like or Trust

Radical Candour ~ Kim Scott


The Post Office Counters software scandal.

General chatting.

Next Week

Next week, amongst other things, we might be looking at some of my more contentious blog posts.


For those who attended today: Would you be willing to answer two questions?:

  1. How well did the Drop-in meet your needs today?
  2.  What might we change for next time to better attend to your needs? Thanks for dropping-in! 🙂

– Bob

First Think Different Weekly Tuesday Drop-in

For our first Think Different Tuesday drop-in, we covered the following topics:

Next Week

Next week, amongst other things, we might be looking at ways of setting salaries and salary ranges.


For those who attended today: Would you be willing to answer two questions?:

1. How well did the Drop-in meet your needs today?
2. What might we change for next time to better attend to your needs?

Thanks for dropping-in! 🙂

– Bob