The Role of the Modern Manager: Creating Environments for People to Excel

The Role of the Modern Manager: Creating Environments for People to Excel

The driving purpose behind most of my 1000+ blog posts here on Think Different is exploring how we might collectively foster environments that enable people to give of their best.

What if we created workplaces and environments where everyone feels respected, trusted, and intrinsically motivated to do meaningful work? How could empathy, compassion and vulnerability strengthen teams?

Imagine prioritising inspiration over control, coaching over criticising, unlocking potential over punishing failure. What could empathic structures, self-direction and flexibility allow us to achieve together?

Fire All the Managers

In his thought-provoking 2011 HBR article “First, Fire All the Managers”, Gary Hamel makes a compelling case for phasing out managers entirely. He argues that hierarchical management structures inhibit agility, innovation, and engagement. While eliminating management altogether seems radical, Hamel raises important points on rejecting traditional collective assumptions and beliefs about management.

Exponential Achievement

This journey requires examining collective assumptions, taking risks and pioneering new models. It may mean temporary discomfort yet enables exponential human achievement.

I don’t claim to have all the answers. But the invitation is open – to walk together toward enlightened working, one thoughtful experiment at a time. To choose fellowship over hierarchy, vision over rules, and nonviolence over Fear, Obligation, Guilt and Shame.

Enormous Possibilities

Progress won’t happen overnight. The path involves stumbles yet holds enormous possibility. My hope is my Think Different posts help spark insight and courage to create environments where every person can thrive.

What ideas do you have on this journey? What approaches resonate with you? By sharing perspectives, we discover the way forward together. The destination can best be uncovered collaboratively.


Let me know if this resonates as an inviting post tying back to my core focus on human-centered environments while headlining the overall purpose of this long-running  blog. I appreciate you encouraging and supporting me to refine the framing and messaging!

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