Organisational Culture Is No Sidetrack

Organisational Culture Is No Sidetrack

Attending to your organisation’s culture can feel like being sidetracked because it’s often seen as a secondary task. Leaders and employees often prioritise achieving their objectives over examining and improving the culture. Additionally, focusing on culture can sometimes feel intangible and abstract, leading some to dismiss it as a frivolous concern.

However, ignoring or neglecting culture can have significant consequences for an organisation’s success. Poor culture leads to high employee turnover, low morale, and decreased productivity, which can quickly impact the bottom line. Culture is not a separate issue from the rest of the organisation’s operations but rather an intrinsic part of it. By prioritising culture, organisations can create a positive work environment that fosters innovation, collaboration, and creativity, quickly leading to increased success and growth.

In short, while attending to an organisation’s culture may feel like a detour from the primary objective, many have discovered that it’s a vital aspect of building a successful and sustainable organisation.


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