

A Poem on Shiny Things

In a world of AI, numbers, and machines,
Where computers hum with artificial dreams,
Does steel and code and pixel ever glean,
The human touch, the heart behind the screens?

Why look to tools to mend our deepest cracks,
When cogs and gears know not of empathy?
It’s we who breathe, who feel, who love, who act,
In our own souls lie the solution’s key.

With every byte, each bit and silicon chip,
We’ve woven webs of knowledge, power, might,
But at the core, beneath each fingertip,
It is the human heart that holds the light.

For tech can answer what, when, where, and how,
But in the why, AI does falter, bow.
Though technology holds a stellar charm,
It cannot comfort, cannot hold a hand.

No software feels, no hardware can disarm,
The pain a human heart must understand.
The Chatbots dance with lightning speed and grace,
Yet, they lack the tender rhythm of our pulse.

People, not tech, could steer our pace,
For human warmth no AI can ever convulse.
In wisdom’s quest, let’s not become enslaved,
To cold precision, to sterile, soulless power.

Remember it’s through people lives are saved,
In every minute, every precious hour.
Technology, a tool, a servant be,
While human spirit, the master, ever free.

AI in Literature: Herarlding a New Era in Book Authorship?

The impact of Artificial Intelligence is being felt across diverse sectors, and it’s now making notable strides in the realm of literature. Cutting-edge tools such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT are not only aiding authors but are also independently crafting entire books at a pace that redefines traditional writing practices.

This advent of AI-driven literary production prompts an essential question: “Can AI-generated books truly rival those composed by human authors in terms of quality?” Are these novels equipped to withstand the discerning scrutiny of critical readers?

In an effort to explore this intriguing question, may I present my most recent book, “The Team Fruit Bowl”. It’s a testament to the capabilities of AI in the world of literature, with ChatGPT being responsible for 99% of its content.

I am extending an invitation to all curious minds to delve into this AI-created work and form your own opinions. Your insights and feedback are invaluable, whether they provide commendation or constructive criticism.

Additionally, for those interested in the intersection of AI and literature, might I invite you to join our “AI For Book Authors” LinkedIn Group? It’s a fantastic platform to engage in enriching discussions about the evolving role of AI in literature and its potential implications for authors and readers alike.

Looking forward to an engaging discourse.

What I’m Up To Today

Today has been an exciting day as I dive into the fascinating world of writing books with the help of ChatGPT. I’m currently working on my latest book, “The Team Fruit Bowl,” and I’m thrilled to share my progress with you.

Based on my current pace, I anticipate having a first edition ready for publication within the next two to three days – DAYS! – my ADHD permitting.

But that’s not all! Shortly after, I’ll be releasing an AInklings-generated AI-enabled interactive version that takes “The Team Fruit Bowl” reading experience to a whole new level.

Now, the big question remains: will “The Team Fruit Bowl” be a quality book or just another piece of AI-generated trash? I’ll leave that judgment to you, my dear readers and fellow authors.

Stay tuned for more updates as I continue this journey. And don’t forget to hit the bell icon 🔔 on my profile to stay informed about all my future posts.

What’s My New Startup, “AInklings”, All About?

We at AInklings are thrilled to have embarked on a journey to revolutionise the world of books and learning. We’ve set out to craft immersive and interactive books that transform reading into a truly captivating adventure​​. Our mission extends beyond just delivering information; we’re creating a whole new realm of learning that’s a journey of discovery. The books we offer are uniquely designed to adapt to each reader, providing personalised insights that nurture curiosity and comprehension​​.

Our team is a lively mix of authors, innovators, and dreamers, all dedicated to pushing the boundaries of the published word​​. We extend a warm invitation to you – authors, publishers, developers, marketers, and readers – to join our revolutionary adventure. We believe there’s a place for everyone in this thrilling experience we’re creating​​.

We’re also keen to keep our community informed and engaged. Through our LinkedIn group, we share exciting updates about our company and the broader world of literature. We’re standing on the brink of a major shift in the publishing industry, and we’re thrilled to welcome you to this exciting journey into the future of learning through reading​​.

ChatGPT For Sentiment Analysis

Today, I bring you a fascinating development in the realm of organisational culture and human sentiment.

Imagine, if you will, the ability to see the sentiment across your organisation in real time, without the need for expensive tooling or complicated methods. It’s a groundbreaking concept that could revolutionise the way businesses engage with their employees and foster collaborative environments.

In the not-so-distant past, gauging employee sentiment was a complex and time-consuming process, often reliant on periodic surveys and face-to-face interactions. This limited approach provided only a snapshot of employee feelings and was, at best, an approximation of the true sentiment within an organisation.

Now, envision a world where this vital information is available at a moment’s notice, empowering leaders to make informed decisions that directly impact the well-being and satisfaction of their workforce. Real-time sentiment analysis could facilitate a more empathetic and responsive management style, bridging the gap between executives and their employees, and creating a more harmonious and productive working environment.

This breakthrough has the potential to create a paradigm shift in organisational culture, providing leaders with the insights they need to foster a more inclusive and nurturing environment. The ability to harness the collective emotional intelligence of an organisation could lead to the development of innovative strategies for addressing workplace challenges and fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among team members.

And that’s the way it is, ladies and gentlemen. A glimpse into the future of workplace sentiment analysis, an innovation poised to bring unprecedented transparency and understanding to the complex dynamics of the modern organisation. This is flowchainsensei, signing off.

Unlock the Untapped Potential of ChatGPT: Beyond Coding!

Isn’t it a bit disheartening to see software developers using ChatGPT primarily for writing code? It’s true that ChatGPT can indeed churn out code, but we can ask much more of it. If only developers would realise the potential for quicker, cheaper, and more valuable #NoSoftware solutions, they, their bosses and their customers would surely be amazed.

Imagine the possibilities. It’s high time we tapped into ChatGPT’s innate ability to provide creative, intelligent solutions that don’t just stop at code, but bypass it entirely.

What’s more, ChatGPT can even offer a hand in strategic planning, brainstorming innovative ideas, and making data-driven decisions.

We’re all missing out by limiting such a versatile tool to coding when there’s so much more on offer. It’s not that coding isn’t important, but let’s not forget the bigger picture. There’s a world of opportunities waiting to be explored if we’d only broaden our horizons.

So, let’s not be too quick to commit the heinous sin of pigeonholing ChatGPT as just a code-writing automaton. Why not embrace its full potential and reap the rewards of its remarkable capabilities? After all, it’s not every day that we come across such a powerful, transformative technology

People, Not Tech, Hold the Keys to AI

To truly grasp AI, we don’t have to delve into the depths of technology; rather, we must understand people. It’s often thought that AI is solely about complex algorithms and computing power, but it’s much more than that. At its core, AI’s development and usage hinge upon human behaviour, decision-making, and social interactions.

AI’s designed to mimic and augment human thought processes, so it’s only natural that we should look to ourselves in order to comprehend it. By studying human cognition and emotions, we would be able to create AI systems that were more intuitive and effective, which in turn could have a profound impact on our daily lives.

Furthermore, AI’s ethical and social implications are deeply rooted in our understanding of human values and morality. To ensure AI is aligned with our beliefs, we must examine our own perspectives and consider the diverse range of opinions and cultures that shape our world.

In a nutshell, it’s the study of people that provides the necessary insights to develop, improve, and implement AI in a way that’s both beneficial and harmonious with our society. Only by understanding ourselves can we truly hope to unlock AI’s full potential.

And if Ai runs amok, it will only be because people will it so.

The Power of AI and Organisational Psychotherapy: Surfacing Shared Assumptions, Facilitating Dialogue, and Resolving Conflict for a Thriving Business

💡 Discover the possibilities for transforming your business and culture with AI-powered organisational psychotherapy.

➡ Organisational psychotherapy is a practice that can enhance the well-being and performance of organisations by surfacing and facilitating reflection on shared assumptions and beliefs. AI (Artificial Intelligence) can play a valuable role in this process. Here are some of the ways AI can assist in organisational psychotherapy:

1. AI can surface shared assumptions and beliefs by analysing patterns of interactions that occur within organisations. By examining data from employee surveys, feedback, emails, internal documents, and other sources, AI can identify underlying assumptions and beliefs that influence how people work together.

2. AI can facilitate dialogue around shared assumptions and beliefs by suggesting topics and questions for discussion. Such discussions can break down barriers to communication and promote a more open and collaborative work environment.

3. AI can identify potential areas of interpersonal conflict related to business culture and culture change. By analysing patterns of communication and behaviour, AI can help organisations anticipate and address potential sources of conflict before they escalate. AI can also assist in conflict resolution by suggesting strategies and interventions that can help parties narrow the gaps in their perspectives.

4. AI can help organisations create a more inclusive work environment. By analysing data on diversity and inclusion, AI can help identify areas where the organisation needs to improve and suggest strategies for addressing these issues. This can include things like unconscious bias training, mentoring programs, or changes to HR policies and procedures.

Overall, the integration of AI and organisational psychotherapy has the potential to transform the way organisations function by surfacing and addressing shared assumptions and beliefs, facilitating valuable dialogues, identifying potential sources of conflict, and creating a more inclusive and collaborative work environment.

#AI #OP #OrganisationalPsychotherapy #ShamelessBandwagoning #YetItsAllTrue

Another String to My Bow

Hi there, wonderful readers! 🌟

I hope this message finds you all in good spirits! I’m absolutely delighted to share some hot news with you – I’m now officially into ChatGPT-4 prompt engineering! 🎉

You might be curious, “What’s captures your interest in this field?” Well, let me share with you that I find it fascinating! Working with cutting-edge AI technology like GPT-4 is nothing short of amazing. We’ve come such a long way with AI, and now these powerful tools are available to us all.

What Is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt Engineering, sometimes also called AI Whispering,  involves crafting the perfect questions or statements to extract the most relevant, accurate, and engaging responses from the AI. And who wouldn’t relish a bit of a challenge in their daily work, right? 😉

One of the reasons I’m drawn to this field is that I get to use my facility with the English language, and my love of it, while still applying logic and smarts. It’s a delightful marriage of art and science. Imagine solving a complex puzzle that requires an understanding of the intricacies of human communication and language, as well as the workings of the AI. What a fantastic combination!

So, here I am, embarked on this new adventure! I’m genuinely excited to exchange ideas and learn from all the brilliant people in this field. If you’re in the same boat or have any advice to share, please don’t hesitate to get in touch – I’d be chuffed to connect! 🌍

Wishing you all the best in your own endeavours, and let’s keep making progress together! 💪🚀

AI: A Double-Edged Sword in the Quest for New Knowledge

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise the way we discover and disseminate new knowledge. However, there are also concerns that the use of AI in these areas could impede progress and “retard” the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge.

One potential issue with using AI for knowledge discovery is that it may rely too heavily on existing data and patterns, rather than surfacing new and innovative ideas. Additionally, AI systems can be susceptible to biases and errors in the data they are trained on, which leads to inaccurate or misleading conclusions.

Another concern is that the use of AI for knowledge dissemination could lead to a homogenisation of information, as algorithms may prioritize certain sources or perspectives over others. This could lead to a lack of diversity in the information that is shared and consumed, which would hinder the development of new and unique ideas.

Furthermore, AI models like ChatGPT can provide answers that can be very convincing but are not true. This can be dangerous, especially in fields such as medicine and law, where wrong information can lead to serious consequences.

On the other hand, AI can also be a powerful tool for knowledge discovery and dissemination. For example, AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns and relationships that would be difficult for humans to discern. Additionally, AI can be used to assist in the creation of new knowledge by generating hypotheses and simulating experiments.

AI can also be used to enhance the dissemination of information by making it more easily accessible and searchable. For example, AI-powered search engines can help users quickly find relevant information, and natural language processing (NLP) algorithms can be used to automatically summarize and translate text.

It is important to note that the impact of AI on knowledge discovery and dissemination is complex and multifaceted. While there are certainly concerns about the negative effects of AI, there are also many ways in which it can be used to improve and accelerate these processes.

Therefore, it is important to approach the use of AI in these areas with a critical and balanced perspective, and to continue to research and assess its impact on knowledge discovery and dissemination, and on innovation.