What’s the Key to a More Wonderful Organisation?

What’s the Key to a More Wonderful Organisation?

Presently, when people ask me what my job entails, I respond with:

“I’m all about making organisations more wonderful”.

By now, many of us are familiar with the manifold benefits of a more wonderful organisation. Environments where trust, joy, connection and personal growth don’t just exist but thrive. But arriving at that point seems to elude even the most dedicated of leaders. So, what’s the key to unlocking this potential? It’s simple, yet profound: The Antimatter Principle. Let’s dive deep into understanding and appreciating its transformative power.

What is the Antimatter Principle?

At its core, the Antimatter Principle is an invitation: to attend to folks’ needs. It sounds so simple, so rudimentary, that you might be tempted to dismiss it. But it’s the linchpin of any successful organisation striving for joy and productivity.

The Need for Needs

The world of business has long been enamoured with terms like ‘efficiency’, ‘productivity’, and ‘optimisation’. While these are not inherently undesirable, they often overshadow the essential human element that fuels any organisation. That human element is predicated on folks’ needs.

Every person within an organisation – from the mailroom to the boardroom – has needs. Customers, shareholders, regulators too have needs. It could be the need for respect, understanding, creativity, autonomy, or simply a listening ear. Attending to these needs isn’t just a tokenistic gesture of goodwill; it’s the fuel that drives joy, motivation, and, paradoxically, productivity.

How to Adopt the Antimatter Principle

1. Listening Empathically

Empathic listening doesn’t mean just nodding in agreement. It means being fully present, devoid of judgments, and truly absorbing what the other person is communicating. Only then can we hope to connect with , let alone meet, their needs.

2. Creating Safe Spaces

Employees must feel safe to express their needs without fear of retribution. An organisation that leverages the Antimatter Principle provides these safe havens where folks can be authentic and vulnerable.

3. Empowering Autonomy

Once you understand a person’s needs, trust them and support them in seeking solutions. This cultivates a sense of ownership and agency, driving innovation and feelings of joy and accomplishment.

4. Prioritising Well-being

Inviting folks to attend to each other’s and their own well-being means that the organisation acknowledges them as real people.Not just drones or cogs. Physical health, mental well-being, and social connections are all integral parts of this equation.

5. Review and Reflect

Invite regular check-ins to ensure that needs are being attended-to and that the organisation is continuously evolving in its application of the Antimatter Principle.

The Transformative Power of Attending to Needs

When needs are attended to, people flourish. A team member who feels valued as a person and heard is more likely to share innovative ideas. One who feels respected will take pride in their work, leading to quality outcomes. The ripple effect of addressing individual needs inevitably results in a collective upswing for the organisation. And people’s innate sense of fairness means the attention is reciprocated towards the organisation and its needs.


In conclusion, if we aim for a wonderful organisation, a place where joy isn’t just an abstract idea but a lived reality, the roadmap is clear. We must, resolutely and continuously, attend to folks’ needs. By embracing the Antimatter Principle, not only do we make our organisations more wonderful, but we also affirm our commitment to the very heart of what makes those organisations run: the people.

Further Reading

For those intrigued by the idea of creating a ‘wonderful’ organisation, the following resources delve deeper into this topic, providing insights, real-world examples, and strategies:

  1. Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love by Richard Sheridan.
    • Sheridan, R. (2013). Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love. Portfolio.
      In “Joy, Inc.,” Richard Sheridan uncovers the journey of Menlo Innovations, a software design and development company, as they endeavor to create a joy-filled workplace. Sheridan discusses the challenges faced and the radical approaches adopted to foster innovation, teamwork, and – most importantly – joy. This book offers a fascinating look into a successful business that prioritises employee happiness and provides valuable insights for organisations seeking to adopt a similar ethos.

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