
Capability development

Ditch the Project Mindset?

Yes. Many organisations have yet to even hear of #NoProjects, let alone embrace the idea. Many still cleave to the idea of projects, despite it being an outmoded anachronism.

Why Are Projects Failing Us?

You’ve allocated resources, set deadlines, and monitored key performance indicators. Yet something’s off. Projects aren’t delivering as promised. Let’s cut to the chase: the traditional project framework is unfit for the agility and productivity demands of modern organisations.

What’s Wrong with the Project Model?

The project model suggests a start and an end, often disregarding what happens both before and after. This closed-loop system stunts innovation and adaptability. It also usually operates in isolation from other projects, creating silos rather than fostering integrated growth. Essentially, projects set us up for a short-term win but often ignore the long-term game.

Do Agile Methods Help?

Agile approaches tried to rectify some of these issues, but they often get shoehorned into the project mindset. In essence, the Agile Manifesto preaches responsiveness over rigid planning. However, an agile project is still a project; a cage is still a cage, even if it’s golden. Agile methods within a project framework can only do so much (and that’s precious little).

What Replaces Projects?

So if we throw the baby out with the bathwater, what’s left? Systems thinking, that’s what. Instead of isolating issues and opportunities as projects, look at them as ongoing aspects of your organisation’s functioning. Focus on products, processes, value streams, and organisational health. Work towards adaptability, building capability, and continuous improvement rather than temporary, isolated gains.

How to Make the Shift?

It’s a significant cultural shift and it won’t happen overnight. Employees need to understand the broader business landscape, not just their tiny slice of the pie. Training, communication and the buy-in of the Folks That Matter™ are key. It’s not about ticking boxes; it’s about ongoing, holistic improvement. Forget “project completion”; think “system capability.”

Are There Any Downsides?

Every coin has two sides. You’re moving from a structured, time-bound approach to something more fluid. That can be unsettling and might even meet resistance. However, the potential for increased productivity and agility far outweighs the initial discomfort.

Is It Time to Say Goodbye To Projects?

Short answer: Yes. Ditch the traditional project framework. Embrace a more fluid, systems-oriented approach and make room for real agility and productivity. It’s not just a change, it’s an evolution. Are you ready?

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The Unlikely Union: How the Relationship Counselling Ethos Boosts Software Development Productivity

Why Should Techies Care About Relationship Counselling?

At first glance, you might think that relationship counselling and software development occupy opposite ends of the spectrum. Yet, delve a little deeper and you’ll see that both fields share a core essence: human interaction. In a nutshell, successful software development relies on effective communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution, elements that relationship counselling has mastered. Let’s explore how relationship counselling ethos and techniques can turbocharge software development productivity.

The Fabric of Teamwork: Trust and Open Communication

Software development isn’t a one-man show. It involves designers, developers, testers, customers, and often, cross-functional teams from other departments. This melting pot can either cook up an extraordinary result or turn into a recipe for disaster. That’s where relationship counselling principles come into play. Trust-building exercises and open communication channels, often advocated by relationship counselling, can help team members understand and respect each other’s roles, fostering a more cohesive working environment.

Conflict Resolution: The Relationship Counselling Way

Conflicts are part and parcel of any collaboration, let alone software development with its tight deadlines and constant need for problem-solving. Relationship counselling is adept at resolving disputes and finding middle ground, skills that are just as useful in the tech world. Techniques such as active listening and ‘I’ statements can pave the way for constructive discussions, rather than finger-pointing or blame games. This encourages quicker resolution of issues, saving both time and sanity.

Emotional Intelligence: Not Just for Lovers

While emotional intelligence (EQ) might sound like the antithesis of the logic-driven tech sphere, it’s surprisingly crucial. High EQ can enhance problem-solving abilities and contribute to better collaboration. Relationship counselling’s focus on developing emotional intelligence can help team members become more aware of their own reactions and the feelings of others, thereby enhancing overall productivity.

Iterative Improvement: Learning from Relationships

Just like any relationship, software development benefits from periodic check-ins and adjustments. Relationship counselling’s method of iterative feedback and adjustment mirrors prevailing methods in software development. Regular retrospective meetings, a technique in line with relationship counselling’s ethos, allow for continual improvement and adjustment throughout the development life cycle.

The Ripple Effect

Adopting the relationship counselling ethos can have longer-term benefits. Enhanced communication skills, improved conflict resolution abilities, and a heightened emotional intelligence level are not development-specific. They’ll enrich the work environment, thereby leading to better collaborations in the future and stronger, more resilient, more joyful teams.

In Summary

Though it might seem unusual, the relationship counselling ethos offers tangible benefits for software development teams. From trust-building and conflict resolution to fostering emotional intelligence, these techniques can significantly impact productivity. So, the next time you’re stuck in a dev team stand-off or facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge, you might just find the solution in relationship counselling techniques.

The Clock Is Ticking on Embracing the Human Element

Happy business people laughing against white background

The Elephant in the Conference Room: Ignoring People’s Needs

For far too long, organisations have viewed employees as cogs in a machine rather than as human beings. This reductionist approach not only hampers productivity but also affects mental health, employee engagement, and overall job satisfaction.

The Antimatter Principle: A Revolution in Organisational Thought

The Antimatter Principle posits a radical idea: attend to folks’ needs. It’s as simple as that! Introduced by software development philosopher Bob Marshall (FlowChainSensei), this principle points out that the most effective, efficient, and humane way to get things done and make decisions is by attending to the needs of all involved.

This approach invites us to consider what people actually need to perform their jobs more effectively and to feel more engaged and satisfied in their work. The Antimatter Principle encourages organisations to actively listen to employees and other stakeholders, which can lead to new, innovative solutions that might have otherwise been overlooked.

The Invisible Hand of Market Forces

Historically, organisations have been slow to adapt, mainly because they’ve been focused on short-term gains and immediate metrics. However, we’re seeing a growing body of evidence that suggests businesses who invest in their people perform better over the long term. These organisations report higher job satisfaction, lower turnover, and increased innovation.

But when will attending to folks’ needs become the norm rather than the rarest of exceptions? This is a difficult question to answer definitively. Market forces such as competition for talent and increased consumer awareness around company ethics are nudging businesses in this direction.

The Slow Wheels of Change

Even with this shift, it might take a few more years or even a decade for the majority of organisations to adopt people-centric approaches like the Antimatter Principle fully. It’s worth remembering that organisational change is often slow, and embracing a new philosophy involves multiple layers of complexity, from C-level executives to entry-level employees

It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things.

~ Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince

This ubiquitous quote encapsulates the essence of why change is often slow to come, particularly in organisations. Machiavelli highlights the challenges and risks inherent in initiating change, which can explain why many organisations are hesitant to adopt new approaches like the Antimatter Principle, even when such philosophies could lead to more engaged employees and better business outcomes.

Paving the Way for a Paradigm Shift

To speed up this process, it’s essential for industry leaders and visionaries to champion the benefits of attending to folks’ needs. The more case studies we have that prove the effectiveness of such strategies, the quicker we’ll see a widespread adoption.

The Final Countdown

So, when will we routinely see organisations realising the benefits of attending to folks’ needs? While no one has a crystal ball, the winds of change are undoubtedly blowing. Whether it’s in five years or fifteen, the adoption of philosophies like the Antimatter Principle seems less a question of ‘if’ and more a matter of ‘when’.

Further Reading

  1. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 12). The Antimatter Principle. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/12/the-antimatter-principle/
  2. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 13). The Antimatter Principle: The Metaphor. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/13/the-antimatter-principle-the-metaphor/
  3. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 14). A New Frame. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/14/a-new-frame/
  4. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 15). Roots. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/15/roots/
  5. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 16). A Finger Pointing at the Moon. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/16/a-finger-pointing-at-the-moon/
  6. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 20). Poka-Yoking the Method. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/20/poka-yoking-the-method/
  7. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 25). One Principle, One Agendum. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/25/one-principle-one-agendum/
  8. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 26). The Tyranny of Method. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/26/the-tyranny-of-method/
  9. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 28). Who Needs Retrospectives? FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/28/who-needs-retrospectives/
  10. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 28). Who Needs Kanbans? FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/28/who-needs-kanbans/
  11. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 29). What Are Needs? FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/29/what-are-needs/
  12. Marshall, R.W. (2013, October 31). Pointless. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/10/31/pointless/
  13. Marshall, R.W. (2013, November 7). Looking After Each Other. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/11/07/looking-after-each-other/
  14. Marshall, R.W. (2013, November 8). For the Rational Folks. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/11/08/for-the-rational-folks/
  15. Marshall, R.W. (2013, November 13). Breadcrumbz. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/11/13/breadcrumbz/
  16. Marshall, R.W. (2013, November 15). The People vs. System Conundrum. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/11/15/the-people-vs-system-conundrum/
  17. Marshall, R.W. (2013, November 21). The World as One. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/11/21/the-world-as-one/
  18. Marshall, R.W. (2013, November 30). Our Mutual Friends. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/11/30/our-mutual-friends/
  19. Marshall, R.W. (2013, December 2). Change, Kotter, and Antimatter. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/12/02/change-kotter-and-antimatter/
  20. Marshall, R.W. (2013, December 4). Finding for ƒ. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/12/04/finding-for-%c6%92/
  21. Marshall, R.W. (2013, December 11). It’s Mutual. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2013/12/11/its-mutual/
  22. Marshall, R.W. (2014, January 28). A Vocabulary for the Antimatter Principle. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2014/01/28/a-vocabulary-for-the-antimatter-principle/
  23. Marshall, R.W. (2014, March 17). The Antimatter Decision Filter. FlowChainSensei. Retrieved September 1, 2023, from /2014/03/17/the-antimatter-decision-filter/

And there’s a whole passel of other Antimatter Principle posts, right up to the present date. You can find them through the WordPress categories feature, using the link: /category/antimatter-principle/?order=asc

Introducing the Quintessence Series: A Journey Through Change

Welcome to the first post in a series that explores the rich tapestry of memes presented in the book “Quintessence”. This series will delve into each meme in turn, shedding light on the collective assumptions, beliefs, and practices that make quintessential organisations thrive.

For those familiar with my previous work, “Memeology”, you’ll know that memes play a significant role in shaping the culture and effectiveness of technology organisations, particularly Digital organisations. “Quintessence” builds on that foundation, exploring the broad sweep of collective beliefs held by the most highly effective tech organisations.

Change: Positive Disruption

Quintessential organisations regard change as their friend and companion through life. The embrace of change isn’t just a theoretical concept; it’s a living, breathing part of how these organisations function.

The quintessential view of change is encapsulated beautifully by Captain Jean-Luc Picard (paraphrased): “Change is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again.”

Key Attitudes Towards Change

  • Change is exciting and energising.
  • The organisation structures itself to best accommodate change.
  • Innovation is sought from change.
  • New hires are sought who understand the upside of constant change.
  • Change is embraced and provoked at every turn.
  • The process of change is about creation, not imposition.

These attitudes reveal an organisation that doesn’t just react to change but actively seeks it out. Change becomes a tool for staying ahead of the competition and finding the “sweet spots” of markets.

Margaret Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers express a related idea in “A Simpler Way”: Systems insist on exercising their creativity, and resistance to change often comes from being treated as non-living rather than embracing the system’s right to create itself.


Change isn’t a force to be feared; it’s an opportunity to be embraced. The quintessential mindset sees change as a companion on a journey, a catalyst for innovation, and a call to creative integrity.

Join us as we continue to explore more memes in this upcoming series. If you find these ideas intriguing, dive deeper into the topic with the book “Quintessence”, where we take an in-depth look at the quintessential mindset and its transformative impact on technology organisations.


Keep a look out for more posts in this series. Or subcribe to my blog!


Further Reading

Wheatley, M.J. and Kellner-Rogers, M. (2003). A Simpler Way. Berrett-Koehler

Marshall, R.W. (2021). Quintessence: An Acme for Software Development Organisations. [online] Falling Blossoms (LeanPub). Available at: [Accessed 23 August 2022].

Unappreciated Product Development Skills


In the world of product development, hiring for the right skills is paramount. Yet, hiring managers and HR people often fail to appreciate the necessary core skills, and thus certain crucial skills often go unsought, overshadowed by more flashy competencies or specific technical abilities. While technical expertise is a nice to have, ignoring these unappreciated skills can lead to teams and departments that lack cohesion, struggle with efficiency, and miss out on a broader understanding of the development landscape.

Top Ten Overlooked Skills and Their Consequences

#SkillHiring Consequences
1The Importance of the Way the Work Works, incl subsidiarity.Teams lack a holistic view, leading to systemic issues and an inability to see beyond their immediate tasks.
2Risk ManagementTeams are reactive, rather than proactive. This leads to crisis management scenarios and frequently derailed release schedules.
3Role of VariationProjects may frequently miss deadlines or go over budget due to a lack of preparedness for uncertainties.
4Flow OptimisationTeams face frequent bottlenecks, resulting in uneven workloads, delays, and heightened stress levels.
5Feedback LoopsProducts misaligned with user needs or market demands due to a reluctance or inability to seek or respond to feedback.
6Systems ThinkingTeams operate in silos, leading to redundant efforts, inflated costs, delays, poor quality, and a fragmented product experience.
7Value Stream MappingMisaligned priorities, arising from a focus on tasks without understanding their overall product value.
8Make Things VisibleLack of transparency resulting in miscommunications, overlooked issues, and poorly informed decisions.
9Limiting Work in Progress (WIP)Overall productivity and work quality decrease due to excessive multitasking and constant context switching.
10Attending to Folks’ NeedsNeglecting this skill results in disengaged or unmotivated teams, decreasing engagement, discrationary effort and productivity, and increasing turnover rates.


To create a well-rounded and effective software development team, hiring managers migh choose to look beyond just technical proficiencies. By recognising and valuing these often-unappreciated skills, companies can increase the likelihood of building and maintaining cohesive, efficient, and innovative teams equipped to tackle the multi-faceted challenges of modern product development.

As the product development landscape continues to evolve, sadly, appreciation of the essential skills required to navigate it does not. Is it yet time to give these unappreciated competencies the recognition they deserve in the hiring process and beyond?


If your organisation suffers from any of the maladies listed under “consequences” in the table above, get in touch today for clear, independent advice on steps you can take to tackle the skills shortfall:

#NoSoftware + Attendants

Adding more developers to a team for more throughput seems like a no-brainer. But, just as theory of constraints teaches us that increasing capacity at non-bottleneck stations won’t improve overall throughput, simply hiring more developers does not address the throughput challenge when, as in most cases, development is not the constraint.

Enter the #NoSoftware approach – a perspective that challenges the typical software-centric thinking. The premise, that we should reduce or eliminate unnecessary software to achieve greater efficiency, echoes another emerging trend in tech leadership: the idea of “Maximising the Amount of Work Not Done.” Also known as “software last of all“.

At first glance, this might seem counterintuitive. After all, isn’t productivity about doing more? However, when applied strategically, focusing on what doesn’t need to be done can pave the way for streamlined operations and better outcomes. And no role embodies this concept better than the role of “Attendant” (NB. Role, not Job).

The Attendant’s Impact

While software developers are integral to translating requirements into code, Attendants focus on discerning and addressing the genuine needs of a wide range of Folks that Matter™, from customers and fellow team members to senior management. The role isn’t to delve deep into the intricacies of code (they can do that too, when necessary) but to simplify, streamline, and ensure that the tech team’s efforts are genuinely needs-driven. Here’s how Attendants make the difference:

  1. Prioritising Genuine Needs: Amidst a sea of potential features, Attendants ensure that only those bringing significant value are pursued, eliminating unnecessary work.
  2. Enhancing Communication:In the role of Attendant, developers act as conduits of clear communication between various parties, reducing misunderstandings and the subsequent need for rework.
  3. Championing Simplicity: Attendants continually advocate for the simplest solution that effectively addresses the needs of the Folks that Matter™. And communicate and track them via trhe Needsscape. This philosophy speeds up development, minimises bugs, and ensures more reliable product delivery.
  4. Curbing Over-Engineering: By always aligning solutions with the genuine needs of the Folks that Matter™, Attendants act as guardians against the pitfalls of over-engineering, ensuring products and their features remain focussed, relevant, user-friendly and cost-effective.

The #NoSoftware Synergy

The Attendant’s perspective on streamlining work resonates with the #NoSoftware approach. Both focus on the needs of the Folks that Matter™. By understanding and embracing the principles behind these ideas, organisations can focus on what truly matters, eliminating unnecessary noise and ensuring the delivery of impactful solutions.


Whether it’s the #NoSoftware approach or the invaluable role of Attendants, the tech world is shifting towards a more thoughtful, needs-oriented paradigm – and it will be a game changer.

Talent: Just One More of the Many Delusions in Business

The business world is captivated by talent – an intoxicating attribute that often eclipses other factors. Many leaders believe that by hiring the most talented individuals, they will invariably achieve superior results. This notion, however, can be more delusional than it appears, particularly when viewed through the lens of W. Edwards Deming’s principles and systems thinking.

Deming, a renowned statistician, professor, author, and consultant, is best known for his groundbreaking work in improving production in Japan after World War II. His philosophy champions a systems perspective, emphasising processes, statistical variability, and the importance of culture in an organisation’s performance.

Talent – A Double-Edged Sword

As Deming and systems thinkers would argue, the excessive focus on talent can be misleading, obscuring the importance of organisational systems and culture.

There is a propensity in business to attribute success or failure solely to individual effort and capability, neglecting the critical role of the system within which these individuals operate. When an employee underperforms, it is easy to lay the blame on their lack of talent, rather than investigate systemic issues that may have caused the underperformance. Conversely, when an individual excels, it is tempting to credit their talent alone, ignoring how the system may have enabled their success.

This overemphasis on talent perpetuates what Deming dubbed the “prevailing style of management,” which involves managing by results or objectives, rather than focusing on improving the system. Such an approach can lead to short-term gains but overlooks long-term stability and sustainable growth.

The Power of Systems Thinking

Deming’s philosophy and systems thinking suggest a more holistic approach to understanding performance within organisations. It shifts the focus from individuals (and their talent) to the interconnectedness of components within an organisation, and to the power of interpersonal relationships.

Under this perspective, businesses are viewed as systems composed of interconnected processes. Here, a team’s performance isn’t merely the sum of individual talents; instead, it’s the result of interactions among team members, internal procedures, management practices, and the overall corporate culture.

A systems thinking approach emphasises that most problems and most possibilities for improvement lie in the system, not the individual parts (or talent). It’s estimated that about 94% of performance results from the system, leaving only about 6% attributable to individuals. This insight is a paradigm shift away from our intuitive, but delusional, individual-focused view of performance.

Building Better Business Systems

Recognising the power of systems over individual talent, how should businesses adapt?

Firstly, it’s critical to identify, understand, and improve the systems within which employees work. Rather than overemphasising talent recruitment, focus on the environment that enables or hinders their success.

Secondly, invest in training and development. In Deming’s view, education and continual training are critical to building better systems. Encourage an organisational culture where employees understand and appreciate the systems within which they operate.

Lastly, maintain a focus on continual improvement. Remember that most of the room for improvement lies within the system itself. Foster an environment that encourages questioning, rethinking, and overhauling systems as needed.


Obsession with talent should not distract businesses from the fundamental truth that systems and processes are the primary drivers of performance. Embracing Deming’s philosophy and systems thinking offers a more comprehensive, accurate, and ultimately effective path to long-term business success. Remember, a superstar employee might bring temporary success, but a superb system will bring sustainable growth.

Constructing Businesses That Resonate and Evolve


“Agility at Scale” benefits significantly from applying Alexandrian architectural principles to create adaptable, evolving organisations deeply connected with their employees, and markets.


In the business landscape, where change is the only constant, an approach that endorses adaptability, flexibility, and resilience offers benefits and advantages. Taking a leaf from Christopher Alexander’s  ‘Timeless Way of Building’, we might choose to construct businesses capable of organic evolution, and which profoundly resonate with their people and surroundings, introducing the concept of ‘Agility at Scale’.

The Essence of Agility at Scale

Agility at Scale borrows principles from Alexander’s “Timeless Way of Building” to construct businesses that naturally evolve and echo the rhythm of their market environment and the Folks That Matter™. It’s about constructing organisations that continuously adapt and respond to change while maintaining a deep-rooted connection with their people, fostering a sense of purpose and belonging.

Just like architects aiming to create spaces that inspire comfort and wellbeing, companies embracing Agility at Scale aim to build an atmosphere of constant evolution and innovation, always keeping their workforce at the heart of their strategies.

The Role of Pattern Language

Within a business context, ‘Pattern Language’ embodies a collection of proven practices, principles, or procedures that help address recurring organisational challenges. These patterns might involve elements such as communication strategies, decision-making processes, or other management practices. When applied effectively, these patterns sculpt an organisation that is harmonious, effective, and life-enhancing. (See my book “Quintessence” for more insights).

These patterns function at different scales – from the overarching organisational strategy to team dynamics, down to individual decisions. Each pattern functions as a piece of a larger, cohesive puzzle, seamlessly integrating to create a robust and adaptive organisation.

Application in Contemporary Businesses

In the current corporate ecosystem, businesses need to be adaptable and resilient to survive and thrive. However, we may choose to deprioritise adaptability in favour of human connection and harmony.

Implementing the principles of the Timeless Way of Building to businesses, we realise that modern corporations can foster adaptability while cherishing and nurturing the human aspect. Businesses, like buildings, are more than structural entities. They are vibrant organisms that thrive on the collective energy of their people.

For instance, tailor-made practices that consider the unique needs of each team (see: the Antimatter Principle) can foster a sense of ownership and engagement among employees. The design of workspaces – whether physical or virtual – can also significantly impact employee wellbeing and collaboration, reflecting the principles of the Timeless Way in action.

Furthermore, advancements in technology and data analytics provide leaders with tools to visualize and implement these patterns effectively, aiding in the construction of an adaptable, yet harmonious organization.

Application in Team Building

Consider the Timeless Way of Building at the team level. If you abruptly change a room’s purpose without considering its layout, function, or the people using it, it will disrupt its harmony and usability. In the same vein, imposing sudden shifts on a team without understanding their dynamics, strengths, and the nature of their work can lead to disharmony and decreased productivity. Better to support the team in evolving at its own pace.

True agility in organisations, much like in architecture, derives from recognising and working within the pre-existing patterns, letting evolution unfold naturally over time, and maintaining the integrity of the team.


Agility at Scale, with its deep understanding of organisations’ nature and human interactions, provides a roadmap for constructing not just businesses, but vibrant, evolving businesses. It encourages leaders to see their roles through a more comprehensive lens, creating companies that are an integral part of their environment and resonate with their people.

Despite the rapid pace of today’s business environment, the philosophy of building businesses that naturally evolve reminds us of the importance of human connections at every organisation’s heart. Embracing this philosophy, we can construct businesses that are successful, adaptable, and foster a profound sense of purpose and belonging, standing as testaments to the timeless way of ‘building’ organisations.

Adopting New Ways of Working – DfEA and DfE

Design for Ease of Adoption and Design for Evolution


The concepts of “Design for Ease of Adoption (DfEA)” and “Design for Evolution (DfE)” form the core of any effective approach to adopting new ways of working in large organisations.

Design for Assembly (DfA) – An Overview

In the manufacturing sector, Design for Assembly (DfA) concentrates on focusing product design on easier, quicker, and more cost-efficient assembly. Principles of DfA guide the creation of products that are simple to assemble, thus minimising the complexity, time, and resources required in the assembly process.

Design for Ease of Adoption (DfEA) – Adapting DfA for Agile Adoptions

Drawing inspiration from DfA, DfEA aims to make the transition to agility as straightforward and efficient as possible. DfEA minimises the complexity typically associated with agile adoptions, striving to make them more approachable, practical, successful and sustainable.

Principles of DfEA

i. Ease: Taking a leaf out of DfA’s book, the central principle of DfEA is ease of adoption. Ease means lessening the cognitive load on teams and individuals, reducing the risk of disorientation, and facilitating adoption.

ii. Modularity: Echoing DfA’s notion of modularity, DfEA recommends adoption in discrete, manageable ‘modules’. This method permits gradual adoption and smoothly advances the organisation into new ways of working, avoiding overwhelm.

iii. Standardisation: Much like DfA, DfEA encourages standardisation to promote consistency across the organisation. Uniform terminology, practices, and expectations facilitate smoother adoptions and ensure everyone in the organisation comprehends and can contribute.

iv. Incremental Adoption: Inspired by the stepwise assembly process in DfA, DfEA advocates for a gradual adoption process. This approach boosts enthusiasm and engagement and allows for ongoing learning and adjustments based on feedback and experiences.

Design for Evolution (DfE)

The DfE principle steers the growth and adaptation of approaches to adopting new ways of working. Recognising the dynamic nature of the field, DfE ensures an approach remains responsive and adaptable. It concentrates on collecting feedback, learning from experiences, and making data-driven and AI-driven adjustments to continually enhance the effectiveness of the approach. This dynamic evolution keeps things relevant, resilient, and increasingly valuable over time, mitigating the risk of becoming yet another outdated adoption approach.


DfEA and DfE form the backbone of any adoption approach, fostering a more effective and sustainable path. By drawing upon proven principles from the manufacturing industry and the core tenets of continuous learning and adaptability, these concepts ensure that the journey towards and beyond enterprise agility is not only accessible and efficient but also aligns with the constantly evolving adoption environment.

The Way the Work Works

In business, attention is often laser-focused on results, outcomes, and delivery. We invest a significant amount of time devising strategies, developing products, and promoting our brands. However, one crucial element often remains underappreciated and underexplored – the way work itself works.This is about understanding and refining how tasks are completed, how work is organised, and how teams operate together.

Why Does ‘The Way Work Works’ Matter?

The way work is carried out can profoundly impact an organisation’s productivity, employee satisfaction, and, ultimately, its bottom line. However, we tend to overlook this, as we’re often too engrossed in achieving our immediate goals and targets, and just plain staying busy.

In the spirit of “it’s not just about the destination, it’s also about the journey,” the methods and processes through which work is executed play a critical role in shaping organisational culture and defining success. It impacts how effectively we reach our objectives, how smoothly we adapt to changing circustances and demands, and how well our employees feel valued and motivated. It also profoundly impacts costs and productivity.

The Way the Work Works is Integral to the Outcome

Every successful product or strategy is a result of a series of tasks, steps, and processes – collectively known as ‘the way work works'(also sometimes called “the system”. Understanding this can unlock potential efficiencies and improvements.

For example, if an organisation’s approach to product management is ad-hoc and unstructured, the end results may be unsatisfactory, even if the team is talented and hardworking. On the other hand, an organisation that focuses on streamlining and optimising its workflows will likely produce superior results more consistently, and more effectively.

The Human Factor

The way work works is not just about systems and processes – it also has a significant human element. It affects employee morale, job satisfaction, and retention.

Workplaces that foster a positive environment, where deliverables and other artefacts are clearly defined, feedback is encouraged, and achievements are recognised, are likely to have higher employee engagement and productivity. Conversely, a disorganised work process can lead to stress, burnout, and high staff turnover rates.

Improving ‘The Way Work Works’

So how can we ensure ‘the way work works’ is working for us, not against us? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Identify the Purpose from the Customer’s Point of View: Continually ask, “What is the purpose of this work from the customer’s point of view?” This can help ensure that all tasks and processes directly add value to the customer. Regularly reevaluating this question can help the organisation stay aligned with evolving customer needs and expectations.
  2. Empower Workers to Define Measures of Success: Encourage teams to define their own success metrics. This can lead to more meaningful measures and promote a sense of ownership among team members. The question, “What measures will we, the workers, choose and use to understand and improve our work?” can guide this process.
  3. Promote Open, Constructive Dialogue: Facilitate conversations where all team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas. This approach can foster a more cooperative and creative work environment, and contribute to continuous improvement.
  4. Adopt a ‘Go to the Gemba’ Approach: This principle encourages leaders to go to the source to understand the work process better. By observing and understanding the day-to-day realities of the work, leaders can make more informed decisions and improvements.
  5. Monitor and Improve Flow: Continuously monitor and improve the flow of work. Flow refers to how deliverables and supporting artefacts – collectively “value” – move from inception to completion, the transitions of responsibilities, and the streamlining of the way the work works. Regular monitoring helps identify bottlenecks or interruptions that impede smooth operations, enabling timely remedial action. By focusing on improving flow, organisations can increase efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance overall productivity.


In conclusion, while there’s rarely any problem in focussing on our goals, it’s equally important to pay attention to the journey—the way work works. By prioritising this underappreciated aspect, we can create more effective ways of working, happier employees, and ultimately, more successful businesses.

Leveraging Auftragstaktik’s Untapped Potential

Born within the software development industry, modern ways of developing software have propagated principles that have significantly improved productivity, collaboration, and product outcomes. Among these principles, ‘self-organisation’ and ‘decentralised teams’ stand out as transformative forces. While these software development practices have revolutionised the software sphere, their potential remains largely untapped in other business sectors. One might argue that businesses have much to learn from the military doctrine of Auftragstaktik, which echoes these principles, and from its evolution in the software space.

Embracing Auftragstaktik

Auftragstaktik, a German military doctrine, has much in common with modern software development practices. Translated as ‘mission command’, it promotes decentralisation and fosters self-organisation. The doctrine was designed to empower officers to use their judgement and take initiative, similar to the empowerment seen in modern software teams.

Self-Organisation the Auftragstaktik Way

In stark contrast to rigid, top-down hierarchies of traditional project management, Auftragstaktik endorses a way of working that encourages autonomy and collective responsibility. This is the essence of self-organisation.

A self-organising team does not mean the absence of control. Rather, control is fluid, and responsibility is shared. This environment allows team members to play to their strengths and cultivates skills across the entire team.

The Power of Decentralisation

Decentralised teams, as advocated by Auftragstaktik, distribute decision-making authority across the team rather than consolidating it at the top. This structure expedites decision-making as team members can swiftly react to challenges or changes without waiting for approval from a central authority.

Implementing Auftragstaktik Principles in Various Business Sectors

The tenets of Auftragstaktik are not solely applicable to software development or military strategies. They can bring significant benefits to a myriad of sectors, such as finance, marketing, and manufacturing.

Boosting Employee Engagement

Decentralisation and self-organisation result in increased employee engagement. When employees are entrusted with decision-making authority and responsibility, they feel more valued and motivated to deliver high-quality work.

Stimulating Innovation

In a self-organising environment, creativity and innovation flourish. A variety of perspectives come into play, encouraging collaborative problem-solving and fostering a culture of innovation.

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction

Auftragstaktik principles make businesses more responsive to customer needs. Faster decision-making and solution delivery significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.


The doctrine of Auftragstaktik have potential far beyond the software  industry. It could revolutionise the entire business landscape by providing the blueprint for a more engaged workforce, rapid innovation, enhanced agility, and superior customer satisfaction.

The Future of Agility at Scale

Has the world of Agility at Scale got you feeling crazed by all the mendacity and false promises? Like a Zorkian maze of complex, twisty little methods and frameworks? Are you tired of cookie-cutter solutions that just don’t fit organisations’ needs? Do you wish for an approach that values principles over prescriptive practices, while respecting existing organisational structures and cultures? And yes, actually DELIVERING on its promises?

We are on the brink of unveiling a groundbreaking, open source approach that addresses these questions head-on, and we’d love your help to make its roll-out a reality. This approach, steeped in real-world experiences and collaborative wisdom, promises to empower organisations to become intrinsically agile, not just ‘do’ agile.

Our approach, uniquely designed to align with any organisation’s specific needs and context, respects existing structures and cultures, and focuses on the practical application of agility at scale. But the real power lies not in dogmatic practices or one-size-fits-all fremeworks, but in principles – guiding beacons that inspire continuous learning, adaptation, and respect for people and relationships.

Uniquely, this approach is open source. It thrives on collective wisdom, and we invite you to be a part of this journey. Yes, we are calling for enterprise agility† enthusiasts, practitioners, leaders, and teams worldwide to join us in launching and delivering this approach.

Your insights, experiences, and perspective will add to this rich melting pot, refining and evolving this approach for the betterment of all. After all, agility at its core is about people, their interactions, their ability to adapt, and their collective capacity to create remarkable value.

So, are you curious enough to look into becoming a part of this journey and helping shape the future of enterprise agility? It’s an open invitation‡, your chance to make a significant impact on how organisations navigate the complex world of agility at scale.

Stay tuned for the big reveal, and in the meantime, get ready to dive in, contribute, and be a part of an open-source agility revolution.


†Enterprise Agility is a comprehensive concept that pertains to an organisation’s ability to swiftly adapt, evolve, and innovate in response to dynamic business environments. It extends way beyond the implementation of agile methods in software development or project management, encompassing all areas of the organisation. This includes strategic planning, leadership, decision-making, operations, culture, and more. Organisations that demonstrate enterprise agility can rapidly respond to market changes, customer needs, technological advancements, and other external factors. They cultivate a culture of continuous learning and improvement, empowering employees at all levels to drive innovation, solve problems, and create value. In essence, enterprise agility is not just about ‘doing’ agile, but ‘being’ agile at every level of the organisation.

‡If you know me well, and are interested, then we can grant you access to the ever-growing collection of materials in our Google Docs repository. If you’re interested but don’t know me so well, then write me outlining your interest and how you might contribute. Or arrange for a chat. I look forward to your response.


Absence of Core Proficiencies and Business Acumen in Tech Businesses

In an increasingly digital world, understanding software and product development, as well as business acumen, is paramount. However, statistics indicate that a surprising 97% of managers and even 80%+ of developers lack a comprehensive, practical understanding of these areas. This disconnect negates their ability to successfully navigate and contribute to their organisation’s goals and purpose.

Despite occupying roles that necessitate people knowledge and strategic insight, many managers remain disconnected from the fundamentals of software development, leaving them ill-equipped to support their teams positively. Similarly, a significant proportion of developers lack an in-depth understanding of the development lifecycle, from design to deployment and maintenance, resulting in inefficient workflows, dysfunctional working relationships, and subpar products.

Furthermore, a limited understanding of business fundamentals can stunt an organisation’s growth. This is because it prevents individuals from appreciating the broader commercial context of their work, thereby leading to strategies that fall short of maximizing goal attainment.

The pervasive lack of understanding in these crucial areas highlights the benefits of diligent curiosity and lifelong experimentation.

What is Hitozukuri and Why is it “Working on the 5%”?

W. Edwards Deming strongly emphasised the importance of the system – the way the work works – in determining the performance of individuals. According to Deming, 95% of an individual’s performance is dictated by the system they are working in, not their personal abilities. This statistic demonstrates Deming’s belief in the profound impact of the environment or system on individual and organisational outcomes.

This belief intersects strongly with both the philosophy of Hitozukuri and systems thinking. Hitozukuri is about nurturing employees, and Deming’s principles make it clear that a key part of nurturing employees is providing them with a supportive, well-structured system in which to work.

By understanding and improving the system, an organisation will greatly enhance the effectiveness of its Hitozukuri practices.

Systems thinking adds another layer to this perspective, emphasising the interconnections among various elements within the organisation, including people. Every part of the organisation, from the people to the way the work works, contributes to the overall result. So, improving the system means enhancing all its components and the relationships among them.

From this perspective, Hitozukuri can be seen as part of a broader, interconnected system within an organisation. It includes various processes such as recruitment, training, job design, performance management, and more. When these processes are well designed and coordinated, they create a system that effectively nurtures employees, thus enhancing their performance.

In such a system, well-developed employees lead to better products/services, which lead to higher customer satisfaction, which in turn brings business success and the resources to further invest in employee development.

However, it’s crucial to recognise that, as per Deming’s principles, the primary driver of this cycle is not the individual abilities of the employees, but the quality of the system in which they work.

Thus, organisations might choose to focus not only on developing individuals (as in Hitozukuri) but also on continually improving the system that dictates 95% of their performance. By doing so, they can create a virtuous cycle of human resource development and organisational success.

Further Reading

Ballé, M., Powell, D., & Yokozawa, K. (2019, January 8). Monozukuri, Hitozukuri, Kotozukuri. Planet Lean.

How To Support Teams’ Learning And Development Needs

Organisations can fundamentally support their teams’ learning and development needs by cultivating an environment that fosters intrinsic motivation. But how to achieve that?

One approach is the adoption of the Toyota Kata model. The term ‘Kata’, borrowed from martial arts, refers to a structured routine practiced so it becomes second nature. Toyota applies this concept in the realm of continuous improvement and coaching.

To put it simply, Toyota Kata isn’t about providing answers, but about establishing an organisational culture that motivates individuals to discover solutions themselves. This inherently appeals to intrinsic motivation, as employees are driven by the satisfaction of mastering challenges, the thrill of problem-solving, and the joy of personal development. They’re not learning and developing because they’re told to, they’re doing it because they want to.

Organisations utilising the Toyota Kata model promote a learning mindset where curiosity, creativity and resilience are valued. They foster an environment where it’s okay to make mistakes, as they’re considered part of the learning process. This can reduce or eliminate the fear of failure, which significantly hinders innovation and risk-taking.

Further, the Kata routines can ensure teams have a clear focus and direction. Through the Improvement Kata, employees are guided to understand the direction, grasp the current condition, establish the next target condition, and experiment towards that target. When people know where they’re headed and why, it encourages them to take ownership of their roles and fosters intrinsic motivation.

Moreover, the Coaching Kata supports managers in developing their subordinates by not simply providing solutions, but by asking insightful questions that encourage critical thinking. This way, managers become facilitators for growth rather than just taskmasters. This coaching approach can instill a sense of competence and autonomy, which are key components of intrinsic motivation.

Toyota Kata isn’t about achieving perfection, but about continuous learning and improvement. By acknowledging this journey and celebrating the learning process, organisations can make their teams feel valued and motivated to continue their development.

So, an organisation’s support for its teams’ learning and development needs goes way beyond merely offering training programmes or growth opportunities. It’s about creating a culture of continuous improvement and learning, fostering intrinsic motivation, and supporting this with models like Toyota Kata. When organisations achieve this, they’ll likely see not only improvements in their team’s skills and capabilities, but also enhanced engagement, productivity, and innovation.

Testing the Approach, Not Just the Product

Are you, as testers, merely policing the final product? Dive deeper into the fascinating, often overlooked realm of testing the software development approach itself. Imagine the possibilities of unearthing hidden bugs not just in the code, but in the entire system of creation itself. Intrigued? Let’s get this conversation started.

Hey testers. You’ve got buckets of expertise in sussing out bugs and finding things that don’t quite work as expected, right? But tell me, how often do you turn those remarkable skills to testing your organisation’s approach to software development itself?

Don’t you reckon that’s equally critical, if not more so, than testing the end product? After all, a well-oiled software development approach might just make your bug-hunting tasks lighter, eh?

Are you taking the time to inspect whether Agile methodologies truly speed up the delivery process for your teams? Or is it that Waterfall’s clarity of scope suits your projects better? Can you confidently say that your approach to software development is truly fail-safe, or are there hidden gremlins waiting to gum up the works?

In those huddles, have you ever discussed how Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is really influencing your development effectiveness? What about DevOps? Are you certain it’s helping bridge gaps between teams, or might it be widening them instead?

How often do you question the chosen development tools? Are they making your job easier, or do they sometimes seem like a square peg in a round hole? And what about the balance between manual testing, automated testing and QA? Have you thoroughly tested the effectiveness of that mix?

Now, let’s not forget the people aspect. Is the team structure working like a charm or does it sometimes feel like everyone’s marching to a different drum? Are folks getting their voices heard, their ideas tested?

Do see where I’m getting at? Software development isn’t just about creating quality products; it’s also about refining and testing the methods that get you there. And you, dear testers, are perfectly poised to lead that charge. So, what do you say?

Retrospectives In Context

The goal of retrospectives (an Agile ceremony) is *improvement*. If no one on the team needs to improve the way their work works, then their retrospectives are BOUND to be totally lame (and a pointless waste of everyone’s time).

I’ve never seen a team with the motivation / need to improve (out of hundreds of teams). Hence, I’ve never seen a retrospective provide any value.

Maybe one day…


Effective Software Development

Everyone in the software industry (managers excepted) knows the following is true, yet nobody wants to talk about it:

Effective software development is entirely incompatible with typical (hierarchical, command-and-control) management.

After 50 years in the industry, I’d go so far as to say:

Effective software development is entirely incompatible with ANY known form of management.


Place managers in charge of software development and it can NEVER be ANYTHING but ineffective (high costs, low quality, poor due date performance, lack of innovation, etc.).

NB Applies more broadly, beyond the domain of software development, too.


The reasons for this incompatibility can be explained as follows:

1. Creativity and innovation: Software development is a highly creative and innovative process that often requires developers to think out of the box, experiment, and come up with novel solutions. A hierarchical management structure stifles creativity and inhibits the free flow of ideas, emphasising, as it does, strict adherence to rules and policies.

2. Responsiveness and flexibility: In the rapidly changing world of technology, software development teams need to be responsive and adaptable in order to respond quickly to changes in requirements, market conditions, approaches, and user feedback. A command-and-control management style, which relies on rigid plans and mandated approaches, tools, makes it difficult to impossible for teams to pivot and adapt as needed.

3. Collaboration and communication: Effective software development relies on close collaboration and communication among team members with diverse skills and expertise. Hierarchical management structures create barriers to communication, with information flowing primarily up and down the chain of command, rather than freely among team members.

4. Autonomy and motivation: Software developers tend to be highly skilled, motivated individuals who thrive on autonomy and the ability to make decisions about their work. Command-and-control management undermines their motivation by imposing external control and limiting their decision-making authority.

The broader point being made in the corollary statement is that traditional hierarchical management is never the best fit for software development, and that organisations might choose to consider alternative organisational styles and structures that are more conducive to the unique demands of software development.

This idea can indeed apply beyond the domain of software development, as many industries are increasingly recognising the need for more responsive, collaborative, and flexible management approaches to drive innovation and adapt to rapidly changing environments.

The Power of Theory

In the context of philosophy and social sciences, “praxis” refers to the practical application of ideas or theories in the real world, with the ultimate goal of creating meaningful change or improvement. Theory plays a crucial role in praxis, as it provides the foundational understanding, concepts, and frameworks that inform action.

Here are five ways theory contributes to praxis:

  1. Guiding principles: Theories provide guiding principles that help individuals and organisations make informed decisions, plan strategies, and establish goals. They offer a basis for understanding the world and the relationships between various factors, making it easier to navigate complex situations.
  2. Analytical tools: Theories offer analytical tools that allow practitioners to examine problems, identify patterns, and develop solutions. These tools can help uncover the root causes of issues and suggest effective interventions.
  3. Evaluation: Theories can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of actions and interventions, helping practitioners refine their approaches and adjust strategies as needed. This feedback loop is essential for continuous improvement.
  4. Communication: Theoretical frameworks provide a common language and shared understanding for practitioners, enabling them to communicate their ideas, goals, and strategies effectively. This shared understanding is essential for collaboration and collective action.
  5. Inspiration and innovation: Theories can inspire new ideas and creative solutions by challenging existing assumptions and encouraging practitioners to think critically and reflect on their practices. This process can lead to innovation and transformative change.

In summary, theory plays a vital role in praxis by providing a foundation for understanding, guiding decision-making, offering analytical tools, enabling evaluation, fostering communication, and inspiring innovation. Praxis is where theory meets real-world action, and the interplay between the two is essential for driving meaningful change.

Mastering the Art of Self-Organisation with a Modicum of Expert Support

💡 Imagine a world where your team conquers every challenge, seamlessly navigating the ever-changing landscape of business and software development. It’s possible, you know – but only if we strike the perfect balance between self-organisation and expert support. Let’s dive into how you can help your team unlock its full potential while overcoming the inherent limitations of self-organisation.

➡ Self-organisation – it’s a buzzword we’ve all heard thrown around in the world of business and software development teams. While it’s a fantastic concept, it’s important to recognise that it does have its limits. Let’s have a little chat about what those limitations might be, shall we?

Now, don’t get me wrong – self-organisation can sometimes work wonders. It can boost team morale, encourage innovation, and even improve productivity. But let’s face it, most teams aren’t full of experts in every single area. That’s just not realistic. No matter how talented and skilled team members are, they simply can’t be expected to be proficient in everything.

So, what happens when your team hits a roadblock or encounters a complex issue they’ve never dealt with before? Well, that’s where the limitations of self-organisation come into play. Without the proper knowledge or expertise, the team might struggle to make acceptable decisions, especially for longer-term scenarios.

That’s why it’s crucial to have some support in place to mitigate these limitations. By providing on-call experts from whom the team can “pull” knowledge and expertise as they see fit, they can bridge their knowledge gaps and effectively tackle even the most challenging problems. With the right support, self-organisation doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing approach – it can be a flexible process that adapts to the team’s needs and capabilities. Assuming the fundamental reflex – knowing WHEN to pull – is in place.

In conclusion, self-organisation has its merits, but it’s important to remember that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, and on-call expert support can make all the difference.